If you feel like you’ve already tried everything to treat your acne but nothing has worked then biotin might be your solution. Biotin is naturally found in certain foods and is responsible for the brightness of hair and skin. It is usually known as vitamin H but formally known as vitamin B7. Continue reading to find out how biotin can help you with your acne.

Where To Find Biotin

Biotin is naturally found in eggs, organ meats, fish, legumes, berries, avocados, cauliflower, and mushrooms. It is also usually added to most skin and hair products because biotin is a nutrient that should provide long-lasting results. It is absorbed easily through the skin and you benefit from consuming it as well. Since it is found in an array of food, it is most likely already in your diet.

How It Works

Acting as a coenzyme, biotin helps the metabolism break down and use fatty acids, amino acids, and glucose in the most effective way. Biotin, A.K.A. vitamin B7, aids in the process of turning the nutrients into energy which helps them accomplish their necessary daily tasks. Therefore, the muscles gain strength while the body has more energy.

Not Enough Biotin

It is really not common to have a deficiency in biotin, but it is possible. It could be caused by an unhealthy diet or something affecting the rate of absorption like health problems or specific medications. A biotin deficiency can cause more bacteria growth in the body. This may cause a delay in natural oils from being produced since it will throw off the balance of body hormones. So, if the skin gets too many natural oils or too little it can cause acne. A biotin deficiency will more likely cause dry skin which will make the skin more susceptible to infections since the cuts and flakiness may cause open wounds. The flakiness may also block pores which will cause bacteria to build up and lead to pimples. A deficiency may also cause the skin to be irritated and inflamed which will only make any acne worse.

Cystic Acne

If you suffer from cystic acne, you know that it is one of the hardest types of acne to treat and get rid of. It’s so hard to get rid of because it could have different causes such as hormones, stress, sun, and diet. The worst thing you could do is pop them yourself as it will cause the bacteria to spread which will form more cysts. There are studies being done on how biotin can help treat cystic acne. Deficiency in biotin has been linked to cystic acne since the bacteria and blood sugar levels are increased. There have been claims that say that cystic acne can be caused by biotin. These claims may just be because the lotions with biotin also have other ingredients that can cause the cysts. Biotin is water soluble so the chances of it causing acne are very unlikely.


Biotin adds moisture to the skin if it is taken in the right way. If you are looking for a way to get rid of acne or add moisture to your skin, biotin may be something you should consider adding to you diet. A biotin supplement may be a great option for you if your body struggles to absorb nutrients effectively. Speak to you doctor before adding any new supplements to your diet, they will be able to give you correct dose amounts for your body’s needs.

Do you want to find an effective Biotin treatment? Check out our top rated Biotin products