What is Biotin?

Biotin, also known as B7, and formerly known as Vitamin H is a water-soluble vitamin, which is part of the vitamin B complex group. This group of nutrients is needed for a healthy metabolism and nerves, and for the functions of the digestive system and heart. Biotin helps the body with the digestion of glucose, amino acids and fatty acids. It works by converting these macronutrients into energy that helps with physical and psychological functioning of the body.

What are the Natural Sources of Biotin?

There are many different types of biotin, but only one occurs naturally, and that is D-biotin, which is found in food sources and is believed to be the only kind of biotin that has nutrients.
Some of the food that contains high amounts of biotin are liver, whole grain bread, mushrooms, cauliflower, raspberries, cheese, avocado, yeast, salmon and eggs.

Health Benefits of Biotin

Biotin is very important in metabolism, as it enables your body to process energy and move carbon dioxide through the cells in your body. It is also known to help strengthen hair, nails, skin, nerves and help with many other conditions.

How Does It Work?

1. Improves metabolism

Vitamin B7 supports healthy metabolism in several ways. It transforms glucose from carbohydrates and sugar into energy that the body can use; it facilitates the use of amino acids from proteins in order for the body to do various functions; and it stimulates fatty acids from foods that contain fat, such as oils or animal fats.

2. Improves glucose intolerance and balances blood sugar

Vitamin B7 has shown to contain properties that help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. It achieves this by facilitating the activity of insulin, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar in the body.

3. Supports healthy nails, skin and hair

Biotin can help strengthen hair and nails, preventing them from breaking. It also protects the skin from disorders such as acne, rashes, and dryness. Many health and beauty products contain biotin and it is often recommended as a dietary supplement for strengthening hair and nails.

4. Combats cognitive weakening and protects brain function

Biotin influences memory function and prevents cognitive mutilation diseases, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases. It does this by stimulating neurotransmitter activity and transporting nerve signals through the body.

5. Improves cardiovascular health

Vitamin B7 contributes to increasing HDL cholesterol, which is good cholesterol and to decreasing LDL cholesterol, which is the bad cholesterol. This is especially helpful for people who suffer from heart condition and diabetes.

6. Builds and repairs tissue and muscles

Vitamin B7 strengthens the muscle and tissues and helps them repair quickly when damaged. It also helps reduces inflammation, which prevents painful and stiff joints and sore muscles.

Take Home Note

Biotin is a very important nutrient that the body needs, and a deficiency can become serious or even deadly. Nevertheless, biotin deficiency cases are rare, and that is because the daily requirement is very low. Ensure that you get your daily requirement from the food. It can also be consumed through supplements.

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